Born ) is a Japanese kickboxer, currently competing in the super welterweight division of K1 A professional competitor since 03, he is the 08 K1 World MAX Japan tournament winner and the 17 K1 Super Welterweight Grand Prix runnerup He is the former Krush Super Welterweight champion, having held the title from 12Yasuhiro Kido (Japanese 城戸康裕; 城戸茜さん乳がんから余命1ヶ月。報道ステーションで勇気ある告白! 7/12「報道ステーション」金曜特集には余命1ヶ月の女性が登場。 3年前に乳がんと宣告された広島福山市の救急救命士の城戸茜さん。 双子の Stream Seishun Tip Off Furihata Kouki Ver By Akane Kido Listen Online For Free On Soundcloud 城戸茜